Saturday, February 29, 2020

Andromache’s Lament as an important element of the “Iliad”

Andromache’s Lament as an important element of the â€Å"Iliad† Andromache, one of the few female characters in the Iliad, is part of perhaps one of the tenderest sections of Iliad. Along with Helen, she is the only other mortal woman to have any substantial speaking lines in the entire epic. Unlike women in general in the Iliad, Andromaches role goes beyond being just another spoil of the war. Homer treats her as a counterpart to Hektor(she is, in a sense, his equal), giving her actions and words a greater significance. Andromaches lament (Book 22, lines 437-515) is particularly powerful because Homer effectively uses literary techniques here that bring out audience empathy. In the Iliad, Andromaches lament is a poignant, intense passage that serves as a characterization of Andromache, providing the reader with a further understanding of Hektor, Trojan life, and the impact of the Trojan War. Andromaches lament emphasizes the impact of the Trojan War on life at home and on the family. The Iliad focuses on Achilleus, Hektor, and other heroes in a war-like atmosphere; Andromache provides a contrast to this setting. Through their behavior, the male characters embody war, aggression, and honor, while Andromache becomes the representative for peace, love, and family. Andromaches lament acutely portrays the sense of despair, loss, and sadness that comes with the war. Here, Homers use of an emotive tone serves to highlight the sense of tragedy in a way that the audience could relate to. That is, Homer chooses to use diction evocative of the helplessness of a child, such as boy, baby, child, cheeks, tug, tiny, and soft bed. Andromache does not center her speech on only Hektors death or the immediate events of the war. Instead, she concentrates much of the passage on her dismal predictions about her son, Astyanaxs, life without a father. By focusing on Astyanax, Homer reminds the audience of the bigger picture of the Trojan War and the impact of war on all people, not just the impact on the protagonists of the story. Andromaches speech sheds light not only on the effects of war, but also on the relationship between Andromache and Hektor. The love between Andromache and Hektor is very powerful, and the depth of their bond gives the reader a sense of strength and integrity in Andromache and Hector. Because of the way Homer portrays Andromaches relationship with Hektor, Andromaches reaction to Hektors death generates audience empathy. Andromaches rampart scene with Hektor in book 6 provides the audience with prior knowledge about Hektor and Andromaches relationship. Consequently, Andromaches lament becomes all the more powerful and touching. We see these emotions via the imagery used to portray Andromache running out of the house like a raving woman with pulsing heart (Book 22, line460-461). When Andromache learns of Hektors death, she too dies: Homer uses the phrase the darkness of night misted over the eyes of Andromache (Book 22, line 466), which parallels the phrase used to describe death throug hout Iliad, the dark mist gathered around him (Book 20, line 417). In addition, the use of a morbid and rancid tone illustrates the great loss of Hektor. Andromache talks of writhing worms and dogs that will feed on Hektors naked corpse (Book 22, line 509-510); all of which convey a miserable picture of Hektors plight. As much as Andromache is a reflection of Hektor, she is also a representation of Troy itself. With the loss of Hektor, Andromaches world shatters. This shattering in turn foreshadows Troys downfall. [she]threw from her head the shining gear that ordered her headdress, the diadem and the cap(Book 22, line 468-470) The veil in ancient Greece is a symbol of husband and wife. By ripping off the veil, Andromache symbolically throws away her marriage with Hektor. With this comes the loss of her chastity, forewarning the raping and pillaging of both Troy and its women. In addition, Andromaches sons name is Astyanax, which means lord of the city. If Astyanax is a representation of Troy, then others will take his [Troys] lands (Book 22, line 489), and that he [Troy] will bow his head before every man (Book 22, line 491). Andromache represents all of the aforementioned because she, like Helen, is an observer in the epic. Even her location within the text, on the wall (Book 22, line 463) when she sees that Hektor is dead, shows this view from the outside. In the beginning of the passage, Andromache has not watched the duel like everyone else. Instead, she is weaving a web (Book 22, line 440). Thrice she gives speeches in the Iliad, all of which serve as insight into the mindset of the collective people during the time, as opposed to just what the main characters are thinking. Thus, Andromaches lament is one of the key passages of the Iliad that provides insight into life within the Trojan War.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Organizational Culture and Structure Research Paper

Organizational Culture and Structure - Research Paper Example It had the good foresight that GSM will be replaced by a new technology, and so it was not afraid to take the risk. Its advances in technology were brought by this excellent foresight. T-mobile boats of its â€Å"latest technologies and modern multimedia services† faring well with its fiercest competitors such as Vodafone. â€Å"In line the Companys vision of ‘Connected life and work’, the mobilization of personal social networking is at the heart of T-Mobiles corporate activities† (Deutsche Telekom, 2009). An example of this is their mobile internet offering, the web’n’walk which enables customer to have a mobile access to the internet. Taking advantage of its wide product portfolio, Deutsche Telekom Group has increasingly its integrated product portfolio, â€Å"which enables standardized access to personal data like music, videos and addresses across all terminal equipment and which also provides for ever more integrated services on an incr easing number of mobile devices† (Deutsche Telekom, 2009). In an industry where technology spells success, T-Mobile’s key culture is its fast, timely and courageous innovation. Taking advantage of its wide business portfolio, Deutsche Telekom Group has never stopped to amaze its customers with innovative and valuable IT solutions. â€Å"This becomes even clearer with mobile web surfing: T-Mobile was the first provider in Europe to give its customers open access to the Internet and thus offer them unrestricted access to the web. The range of news, films, music and infotainment available to customers is constantly growing† (Deutsche Telekom, 2009). Currently, Deutsche Telekom is â€Å"is systematically gearing its business to broadband services and mobile Internet† as this is the need of the hour (Deutsche Telekom, 2009). This is in congruent to their vision of connected life and work. Recently, it has adapted its â€Å"Focus, fix and grow† strategy which is

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Textual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Textual Analysis - Essay Example The first of these texts which will be analyzed is that of Dorothea Lasky’s â€Å"Black Life†. This particular poem, though brief, expounds a very nuanced and full-bodied meaning of just what seeming meaninglessness greets the newborn child upon entering life. Says Lasky, â€Å"You are born and it is to a black life/Full of abuse and strange things†¦You die and it is from a black life/That you die from/You leave this one and go into the next/Where nothingness surrounds and evaporates/With the ease of something/That has done this sort of thing before† (Lasky 1). By detailing the somewhat meaningless yet methodical pressures that move all humanity through its brief experience on earth, the author is able to detail some sense and methodology to what has otherwise been labeled as a form of madness and ultimate depression with regards to the transient nature of life and its ultimate meaning. Although such a definition is no more comforting than any other definiti on of life and the ultimate depression it espouses, the author goes on to define some rationality to the way in which this â€Å"black life† leaves the earth with little to no fanfare or care on the part of those around it. Says Lasky, â€Å"I leave and I am black life/I leave you cause you didn’t need me after all/And I want to/Be what you made me to be/But you never really made me/This life made me/This thing that I am† (Lasky 1). In admitting that the world is perhaps better off without this blight of a depressed human being, the author is able to underscore the meaninglessness that life entails as the world cares not whether this depressed person is gone. Moreover, the ultimate cause of the depression is related not to be something biological, not something that has been recognized due to the singular unfairness of life; rather, it is born out of the fact that they â€Å"never really