Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Frederick Douglass, An African American Reformer,...

Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was an African American social reformer, abolitionist, and writer. Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born into slavery in Talbot County, Maryland on February1818 and he died on February 20, 1895. And was named by his mother, Harriet Bailey. But the exact date of Douglass birth is unknown. After escaping from slavery, he becomes a leader of the abolitionist movement. He know that as a living counter is a example to slave holders augments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to the function as independent American citizens. He was known as the narrative of the life of American slaves. His dialogue was â€Å"I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it†. He was of mixed race, which included Native American on his mother side as well as African and European. He is author and narrates of the Narrative. Douglass has always thinking about views regarding the slave owner’s interpretation of Chris tianity. He is the rhetorically skilled and spirited man is a abolitionist movement. He talks about the religion, Resistance, Coming of age, the importance of friendships, the poverty of slavery, and the abuse of women. Frederick Douglass was known as both the narrator and the protagonist, and he quite play role in these two different roles. He was uneducated, oppressed slaves to worldly and articulated political commentator. DouglassShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass926 Words   |  4 Pagesof the Life of Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, written by himself, was published in 1845. Frederick Douglass is one of the most celebrated writers in the African American literary history, and his first autobiography is one of the most widely read slave narratives. 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In his time he was described by abolitionists as a living contrasted-specimenRead MoreThe Anti Slavery Movement By William Lloyd Garrison, Arthur And Lewis Tappan1580 Words   |  7 PagesThe Anti-Slavery Movement began to take shape in 1833. William Lloyd Garrison, Arthur and Lewis Tappan, and other members gathered in Philadelphia and formed the American Anti-Slavery Society. The group was created to provide perspective into slavery. Through the use of almanacs containing poems, drawings, essays, and other mat erial, the Anti-Slavery Society was able to illustrate the horrors slavery. Through the distribution of these almanacs, people were shown the types of struggles and horrorsRead MoreHarriet Jacobs Vs. Douglas1263 Words   |  6 PagesTamera Buckner Ashley Morgan ENG 1013 D3 25 2/21/2016 Harriet Jacobs vs Fredrick Douglas Slavery was one of the most tragic memories known for in the black race. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Parable Of The Good Samaritan - 830 Words

I have decided to lock my doors so no one would interrupt me, and I have told everyone in my household that I am working on a very important assignment. I have confined myself in my room turned off every electronics to keep myself from free of distraction. The direction required me to read the Parable of the Good Samaritan in at least two different versions of the Bible. Therefore, I decided to read this passage with New International Version, The Message by Eugene Peterson, English Standard Version, and Korean Revised Version. I decided to read in Korean as well because I wanted to have better verbatim understanding of the passage. After reading the passage for three times in each version, I reflected on my role as a Christian and my understanding of a neighbor. Reading through this passage, the definition of neighbor for me is one who is in need of help. My role as a Christian is embedded in Luke 10:37. In the passage, a man who was attacked by robbers needed help. The neighbor to the wounded man in the passage was â€Å"The one who had mercy on him† (Luke 10:37, NIV). In this translation of the Bible, the role of the neighbor is one who have mercy on others. When I reflect on the word â€Å"mercy†, I think about God’s Grace on us. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:4-5 that â€Å"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been savedâ€Å" (ESV). God showed his mercyShow MoreRelatedThe Parable Of The Good Samaritan883 Words   |  4 PagesDesir Loving the neighbor, the secret to eternal life. A compassionate heart to all In the parable of the good Samaritan, Jesus message is that in order to receive eternal life, one must truly and impartially love and care for all human beings, even one’s enemies. The truth neighbor What should be done to inherit eternal life? Such question asked by a lawyer to Jesus prompted the parable of the good Samaritan. A story that begins with a lawyer who tries to put Jesus to the test by asking him questionsRead MoreThe Parable of the Good Samaritan840 Words   |  3 PagesA parable is simply a metaphor or simile. Parables are drawn from nature or common life and are both vivid and strange (Dodd, 1961 in Dowling, 2010, p. 20). They leave the mind in â€Å"sufficient doubt about its precise application to tease it into active thought† (Dodd, 1961 in Dowling, 2010, p. 20). In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, a lawyer who aims to challenge Jesus and clarify things for himself, asks Jesus a number of questions. The lawyer asks Jesus a key question, â€Å"Who is my neighbour?†Read MoreThe Good Samaritan Parable Assignment865 Words   |  4 PagesXela Fry Box #181 Professor Luther The Gospels Good Samaritan Parable Assignment 11.3.17 Observations are attached. The Good Samaritan parable is something you hear a lot in the â€Å"Christian society.† For me, being trained in being a lifeguard, I have that responsibility of being a â€Å"good Samaritan† in a time of need. The parable of this, located in Luke, gives Christians almost an expectation to others. The narrative outside of the parable includes when Jesus sends out the seventy-two. He wouldRead MoreThe New Testament Of Jesus Christ The Savior930 Words   |  4 PagesStarting in the years of Jesus Christ the savior, a parable is a widely used term in the Christian religion. A parable is known as a story mainly used in the New Testament of Christianity. The purpose of a parable is to portray some kind of moral meaning or to teach a lesson. This is commonly done in the New Testament with a reading from one of the Apostles. These parables, commonly found in the scriptures were usually told by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, four of the apostles. The main focus wasRead MoreExege sis on the Story of the Good Samaritan832 Words   |  4 Pagesmeant to the Jews in Jesus’ time. The first step in understanding the story of the Good Samaritan is to understand the relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans of the time. The Samaritans were considered unclean by the Jews, because they saw the Samaritans as a corruption of God’s chosen people, therefore the Jews were not supposed to make contact with the Samaritans whatsoever. Not only were the Samaritans considered unclean, the Jews would have seen them as hostile to themselves. The conflictRead MoreThe Kingdom Of God Is Not A Physical Place1535 Words   |  7 Pagesconnection with God, we must live in God’s image by building a strong foundation of faith, being humble, and separating ourselves from the distractions of worldly pleasures. When does a son inherit his father’s wealth? When the father dies. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the youngest son indirectly wishes his father dead by asking for his dividend of the property. How can the youngest son enter the Kingdom of God, if his virtues direct him away from loving God? Even though the son â€Å"squanderedRead MoreCool1344 Words   |  6 Pagesexclusive and conditional. Phileo is soul love, and it’s strength and value will depend on the elevation of the soul of the bearer. Question 2. Relate and give the meaning of the parable which demonstrates love as a way of caring. {10 marks} A parable that best demonstrates love as a way of caring is,’The Good Samaritan’. The parable tells of a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, and while on the way he is robbed of everything he had, including his clothing, and is beaten to within an inch of hisRead MoreChristian Ethics : The Bible870 Words   |  4 Pageseach and every day that we have on Earth. He wants us to value every relationship and every individual. The three most memorable Biblical passages that we discussed this year were are the Sermon on the Mountain, Jesus’s teaching ministry, and the Good Samaritan. The Sermon on the Mountain is a part of the New Testament in which Jesus travels through Galilee and the surrounding areas, teaching the word of God to those he met and healing the blind and sick. Jesus told the people of Israel to put theirRead MoreJesus Presentation of His Teachings Through Parables Essay1470 Words   |  6 PagesJesus Presentation of His Teachings Through Parables The word parable comes from the Greek word parabole, meaning a comparison or analogy. A parable has also been described as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Some of Jesus parables are comparisons as they compare what is known and familiar on earth with the Kingdom of God, which is spiritual and less familiar. For example, in a parable in Luke 13:20 Jesus says The Kingdom of God is likeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a womanRead MoreThe Parable Of The Lost Sheep1638 Words   |  7 PagesThe parable of the Lost Sheep indicates the shepherd left ninety-nine sheep to find the one lost sheep. Why would Jesus teach to leave ninety-nine sheep for only one lost sheep? Was there another shepherd in-training to look after the ninety-nine or how long was the shepherd gone? Questions our mere mortal minds of 2017 try to answer using current culture ideals. Too often, this generation of believers get bogged down in the details and not the message of the parables. Jesus taught using parables

Decision Theory In Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Question: Describe about a Decision Theory In Sustainable Supply Chain Management? Answer: Introduction Business Intelligence and Analytics is used as a forecasting and planning tool that is used by the individuals in their business that is using historical data to achieve insight into the future. This tool is an expected business competency to improve the effectiveness of decision-making (Kuznetsov 2014). The enterprises are establishing competency in business intelligence such as decision modeling as well as support for the executives, workers, and managers to take effective actions in the business circumstances. The report analyzes the impact of business intelligence and analytics to improve business decision making and managing business knowledge. It reflects on various types of decisions that are taken in the business environment for making a decision. The business intelligence system utilizes to provide correct decisions to the users using five analytics. This report gives the benefits of modern business to employ the use of intelligent techniques in decision-making and knowledge management. Finally, it discusses on the systems which are used to improve enterprise-wide knowledge management that helps people working in groups make a decision more efficiently. Findings and Analysis Analyzing the decision making process in an organization using six elements of business environment In the business environment of an organization, different types of decisions are to be taken for decision-making. The senior management takes strategic decisions, which is complex as well as multi-dimensional (Post and Kagan 2012). It involves a large amount of money, which has a long-term impact on the business environment; therefore, it affects the direction of the whole business. The long-term forecasts of the business turnover is set against the market conditions of the business, which help to determine if the business runs, or not (Laudon and Laudon 2011). The senior management analyzes the internal and external environment of the business that helps to recognize the characteristics of the companys products and resources. As in an organization, different levels of management are there within the business environment; therefore the senior and middle manager takes tactical decisions. It involves significant resources, which have medium-term implications on the business operations (Brijs 2013). When a misguided strategy enters into a wrong direction, then it leads to failure of the business. Mainly, these decisions are directed towards developing structuring workflows, divisional plans and distribution channels. The business environment depends on its operational decisions. The middle and first line manager takes this decision, which involves resources that are more limited and have a short-term application (Yogev, Even and Fink 2013). The operational decisions are taken that help the manager to take informed as well as rational decisions. Even the information system requires focusing on the technique of managerial type of decision-making. Business intelligence and analytics need strong database system and analytics tools that are used to analyze the business data using the six elements. Azevedo and Santos (2012) opined that firstly data such as structured as well as unstructured data are required to be incorporated as well as planned from different types of sources such as mobile devices as well as the internet. Those data are used for human decision makers. The business intelligence structure consists of a database system is required to capture all the business process data (Laudon and Lau don 2011). The data are stored in transactional databases, and it is incorporated into enterprise data warehouse. The business analytics tools are required to analyze the data as well as produce the reports that should track the development of the business using key performance indicators. Figure 1: Business Intelligence and Analytics for Decision Support (Source: Azevedo and Santos 2012, pp-41) The managers uses strategic business goals to measure the progress of the business by using BI and BA tools (Caraganciu 2013). The delivery platforms are Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS) and Executive Support System (ESS), which results from BI as well as BA to be delivered to each and everyone within the firm (Brijs 2013). The information is delivered to different people at all levels such as middle manager, senior executives, and operational employees. The visual techniques such as dashboards as well as scorecards are used to present the BI and BA outcomes. The data are available on iPhones, mobile handsets and the web portal of the firms (Post and Kagan 2012). BA software posts the information on Facebook and Twitter to support decision making for the online group. Problems in decision making process is solved by five analytics outputs to provide real time information Business intelligence and analytics deliver accurate as well as real time information to the decision makers using the five analytic functionalities that the BI system delivers are as follows: Production reports: The production reports of the organization are based on different industry specified requirements (Caraganciu 2013). Functional areas of Business Production reports Marketing Market-based analysis, loyalty, attrition, and campaign effectiveness. Sales Sales forecast, sales cycle times and sales team performance. Financials Accounts receivable, cash flow and general ledger. Service Resolution rate and customer satisfaction. Procurement and support Supplier performance, direct and indirect spending and off-contract purchases. Human resources Compensation, the productivity of employee and retention. Supply chain Fulfillment status, order cycle time and bills of materials. Table 1: Production reports of different industry (Source: Caraganciu 2013, pp- 69) Parameterized reports: The users are entering various parameters in a pivot table in order to filter the data as well as separate the impacts of the parameters. Dashboards: These are the tools used to present the presentation data presented by the users. Ad hoc query: It allows the users to build their reports based on the queries as well as searches (Kuznetsov 2014). Forecasts and models: It has the capability to perform forecasting using what-if-scenario analysis, and the data are analyzed using standard statistical tools. Business intelligence and analytics helps to maintain the business goals as well as targets by guiding the timely strategic decisions. Interaction with the customers by using voice calls, email, and chats are used to analyze the business intelligence gathering teams (Foshay, Boyle and Mather 2013). Reporting which is based on timely information helps the companies to determine the performance of their business processes. Business intelligence and analytics help the company to make more informed decisions on the strategic issues (Laudon and Laudon 2011). It is analyzed by providing critical information on both recent and historical performance of the business organization with their future trends, demands as well as customer behavior. Predictive analytics is the business intelligence applications used for decision making by all varieties of employees such as finance as well as marketing. As for example, predictive analysis is used in the credit card industry in order to recognize the customers who are at risk of leaving (Caraganciu 2013). In the dealer services, predictive analytics is used to screen the potential customers. This model reviews the data such as the size of the dealer, number of locations, patterns of payment as well as inventory practices. Benefits of modern business to employ the use of intelligent techniques in decision-making and knowledge management The modern business is benefited by the use of business intelligence techniques for decision-making and knowledge management. The modern business gets benefited by implementing BI in the business, it provides targeted information at the accurate place as well as time is central to improve the process of decision-making (Kanetkar and Chanchlani 2014). It allows the business organization to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Data warehouse achieves the individual knowledge and spreads that knowledge in such a manner that it ensures the business its accessibility (Caron and Daniels 2013). The techniques of knowledge discovery are online analytical processing as well as data mining though its supports the management of the explicit knowledge. It masters the hidden knowledge of the users in making decisions. BI system enables to make faster decisions, which makes the business more responsive towards threats as well as opportunities. It enables the fast decisions from various sources in common reports (Kuznetsov 2014). It saves the time of the users from manually combining data into the spreadsheets. It also reduces the response time of the system by using fast data aggregation. Business Intelligence in knowledge management technologies has the ability to process as well as organize the textual information (Laudon and Laudon 2011). The data enhances the capability of search to access relevance and new opportunities for solving current issues within the business. Figure 2: Benefits of Business Intelligence System (Source: Kanetkar and Chanchlani 2014, pp-37) Evaluating the functions of Business Support System uses to improve enterprise-wide knowledge management The business decision support system consists of the diverse group of interactive tools and designs in order to assist managerial decision-making. This system makes the management more efficient as well as effective using ad hoc as well as discretionary decisions (Foshay, Boyle and Mather 2013). The group decision support system is used to aid the group of decision makers such as executive committees as well as effort teams. This system is designed to be used when the group is assembled. As for example, tallying as well as handing out the group members preferences, then the outputs are presented to the participants in order to discuss. The members are doing some common tasks such as financial monitoring as well as reporting use the centralized system (Laudon and Laudon 2011). The decision support system provides an opportunity to increase the accuracy of the data with taking rapid decisions, which further contributes to the profitability of the business (Refer to Appendix 2). Busines s Support System improves the enterprise wise knowledge management system of the organization. Data mining in Decision Support System: This system holds knowledge base that consists of facts of the decision makers. It has the capability of purchasing as well as managing descriptive knowledge. It has the capability to present ad-hoc knowledge in a cyclic report format. This system directly interacts with the decision makers to choose the flexible solutions as well as knowledge management (Caron and Daniels 2013). The manager of the organization using data mining in DSS to analyze the data through an automatic process such as Knowledge Discovery in data mining (Refer to Appendix 1). Artificial Intelligence (AI) System: Knowledge bases are combined with the AI. This system enhances the problem solving, improves the quality of decision, capability to solve vital problems as well as takes consistent decisions (Kanetkar and Chanchlani 2014). The difficulty in this system is that it extracts the needs of the knowledge expertise in order to develop the knowledge base. It is vital to extract the knowledge of the expertise and then codifies into a format that is used in the automated application. Conclusion It is concluded that the decisions, which are taken by the business, makes to determine its future. A successful business knows the process to analyze, collect as well as access the important information of business to gain strategic, tactical as well as operational decisions. Business intelligence is the use of procedures as well as technologies, which are used to transform the raw material into better information. BI and Enterprise Reporting capabilities ensure the performance management of the business. However, the solutions of BI providers integrate the view of the business data from various sources. This system enables the users to build balance scorecards, key performance indicators as well as dashboards to satisfy the role of the departments. Using business intelligence tools, the users engaged into strategic, operational as well as tactical goals, which provide them support for continuous success to acquire new clients. Recommendations The following are the recommendations that are suggested to improve the business operations using business intelligence system: Business intelligence applications should in the business process to create a hierarchical performance metric, which analyzes the performance of the business (Laudon and Laudon 2011). The performance metric is used to keep track of the marketers such as shareholders, executives, employees as well as customers. If the business organization should use benchmarking process, then the business intelligence helps the company to raise their speed as well as decrease the costs. Business knowledge discovery should be used which involves the data mining process (Yogev, Even and Fink 2013). The primary functions of the business intelligence are to organize as well as manage the data for future use. References Azevedo, A. and Santos, M., 2012. Closing the Gap between Data Mining and Business Users of Business Intelligence Systems.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 3(4), pp.14-53. Brijs, B., 2013.Business analysis for business intelligence. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Caraganciu, A., 2013. Cultural Variations and Business Performance.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 4(2), pp.67-71. Caron, E. and Daniels, H., 2013. Explanatory Business Analytics in OLAP.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 4(3), pp.67-82. Foshay, N., Boyle, T. and Mather, J., 2013. A Hierarchy of Metadata Elements for Business Intelligence Information Resource Retrieval.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 4(4), pp.33-44. Kanetkar, S. and Chanchlani, N., 2014. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Analytics approaches towards Efficient Predictions for Business Intelligence.International Journal of Computer Applications, 103(14), pp.35-39. Kuznetsov, S., 2014. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE OF THE NEW INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISE ECONOMY.jour, (4), p.78. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2011.Essentials of management information systems. Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Post, G. and Kagan, A., 2012. Business Intelligence.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 3(3), pp.16-28. Yogev, N., Even, A. and Fink, L. (2013). How Business Intelligence Creates Value:.International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 4(3), pp.16-31.